Commission for the main square at the new university hospital in Stavanger. The work consists of a 1200 m2 painting and five concrete sculptures. The images show the work in process.
Nye Stavanger universitetssjukehus
Year: 2019-2024
Commission in three parts for Brevik primary school and kindergarten; wall paintings in the main auditorium, drawings in the library and water colours in circulation areas throughout the building.
Brevik oppvekstsenter
Year: 2018
Architect: Kokkersvold
Art consultants: Mette Weitemeyer and Marianne Zamecznik
Photographer: Vegard Kleven
Ballast, silicate paint on concrete wall, 900 x 853 cm, 2018.
Ballast, silicate paint on concrete wall, 900 x 853 cm, 2018.
Ballast, silicate paint on concrete wall, 900 x 385 cm, 2018.
Ballastplanter funnet Brevik I-IV, pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Kalkfjell, sjø og engelsk jord, water colour on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballastplanter funnet Brevik I-IV, pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Kalkfjell, sjø og engelsk jord, water colour on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballast (ekte malurt, ormehode, fargeginst og sikori), water colour and pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballast (takfaks, hundesennep og piggtistel), water colour and pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballast (knollsoleie, nonsblom, bulmeurt og byvortemelk), water colour and pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballast (knollsoleie, nonsblom, bulmeurt og byvortemelk), water colour and pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Ballast (apotekerkattost, hundepersille, svartsøtvier og murtorskemunn), water colour and pencil on paper, 30,5 x 22,9 cm, 2018.
Commission in three parts for Førde Town Hall; a wall painting in the main auditorium, wall paintings in the stairs and water colours in nine meeting rooms throughout the building.
Førde rådhus
Year: 2012-14
Architect: Mestres Waage Arquitectes
Art consultants: Linn Cecilie Ulvin and Marit Aanestad
Photographer: Thor Brødreskift
Byen i rådhuset, silicate paint on wall, 636 x 1840 cm, 2012-14.
Byen i rådhuset, silicate paint on wall, 636 x 1840 cm, 2012-14.
Byen i rådhuset, detail.
Sketch: colours of various building facades in Førde.
Installation view, one of nine water colours in meeting rooms.
Orange component, pencil and water colour on paper, 50 x 67 cm, 2012-14.
Yellow component, pencil and water colour on paper, 50 x 67 cm, 2012-14.
Brown component, pencil and water colour on paper, 50 x 67 cm, 2012-14.
Turquoise component, pencil and water colour on paper, 50 x 67 cm, 2012-14.
Index, silicate paint on wall, dimensions variable, 2012-14.
Index, silicate paint on wall, dimensions variable, 2012-14.
Index, silicate paint on wall, dimensions variable, 2012-14.
Index, silicate paint on wall, dimensions variable, 2012-14.
Førde Town Hall by Mestres Wåge Arquitectes
Photo: Christina Leithe