Ingrid Lønningdal is a visual artist based in Lier, Norway. In her practice she seeks to provide an understanding of the spaces we inhabit, often by using architecture as a starting material. Her projects deal with how we relate to our surroundings, and she is keenly interested in spatiality and colour, urban renewal and architecture. The works are materialised trough painting, drawing, photography, text, and textile. They are drawn on paper, published as books, painted directly on walls or take shape as sculpture.
mob: +47 92064429
skype: ingrid.lonningdal
email: ingrid.lonningdal@gmail.com
instagram: ingridlonningdal
2006-08 MA Visual Art, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2003-06 BA Institute for Colour, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Solo exhibitions
2024 Uncover, Unravel, Laboratory of Art and Form - LOAF, Kyoto, Japan
2024 Det rimer, Kösk, Oslo. With Eigil Forberg
2022 Functions, Galleri Opdahl, Stavanger
2020 Edges, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2019 Fibre Reinforcement, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2017 Grooves and Ridges, Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst, Trondheim
2017 Division of Space, Oslo Kunstforening
2014 Solo, Rogaland kunstsenter, Stavanger. With Institute for Colour, curated by Geir Haraldseth
2014 Arbeidssteder, Tenthaus, Oslo. With Stefan Schroder
2013 Essential Geometry, Nordnorsk kunstnersenter, Svolvær
2011 This City Busy with Dreams, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2011 Every Building an Experiment, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde
2011 Gruppearbeid, Volt, Bergen. With Institute for Colour
2010 Bauen - wohnen - denken, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo. With Karen Lidal
2008 LIAF jr., Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF), Svolvær. With Institute for Colour
2006 Scramble for Survival, Oslo Fine Art Association, Oslo. With Institute for Colour
2006 A State of Exception, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo. With Institute for Colour
Group exhibitions (selection)
2025 … and going on., dr.j art projects, Berlin
2023 The Work That Textile Does, Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź, Poland. Curated by Jakub Gawkowski, Marta Kowalewska and Anne Szefer Karlsen
2023 And I Draw A Line, kajetan Berlin, Berlin
2022 What Looks good is a Joy Forever, Drammens Museum, Drammen. Curated by Ida M. Klingvall
2021 In Erinnerung an Erich Reusch, kajetan Berlin, Berlin
2021 kajetan presents, kajetan Berlin, Berlin
2020 Open Window, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2020 Lokale omkalfatringer — Retten og vrangen, Kristiansand Kunsthall. Curated by Cecilie Nissen and Pernille Skar Nordby
2019 Vi er stedene, Vestlandsutstillingen, Kunstgarasjen, Bergen. Curated by Marte Danielsen Jølbo
2018 Winter Solstice: Poems to Orpheus, Teknisk Museum, Oslo
2017 Samlet, BOA, Oslo
2016 En kollektiv psykogeografisk guide til Oslo, satellite project: the Drawing Biennial 2016, Oslo. Curated by Ida Madsen, Ottar Karlsen and Eirik Senje
2016 Architecture Unfolded in Time, Budsjord, Dovre
2015 Goddag mann! Kunstsamling, Rogaland kunstsenter, Stavanger. With Institute for Colour, curated by Geir Haraldseth
2015 Norwegian Sculpture Biennial 2015: Art Belongs to Those Who See It*, The Vigeland Museum, Oslo. With Steffen Håndlykken, curated by Anne Szefer Karlsen
2015 Spring Depot, Tenthaus, Oslo. Curated by Rachel Dagnall
2014 Sparebankstiftelsen DNB: Stipendutstilling 2014, Oslo kunstforening, Oslo. Curated by Marianne Hultman
2013 Inside Outside Architecture, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo. Curated by Sabrina van der Ley
2013 En kollektiv kraftanstengelse for tapte saker, Podium, Oslo. Curated by Ida Følling and Ottar Karlsen
2013 Nytt til samlinga, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde
2012 Curators go to the bar, Kim Contemporary Artcenter, Riga. With Institute for Colour
2011 Oslo sett med kunstnerøyne, Kunst på arbeidsplassen, Oslo
2011 Museum of Longing and Failure, Copenhagen. With Institute for Colour
2011 Space Station, program #2, 0047, Oslo. Curated by Tone Hansen
2011 Space Station, program #3, 0047, Oslo. With Institute for Colour
2010 Zwischenraum : Space between, Hamburg Kunstverein, Hamburg. Curated by Annette Hans, Anne Szefer Karlsen and Jamie Kenyon
2010 2000 Lillestrøm, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm. Curated by Geir Haraldseth
2010 Er det billetter igjen?, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, Oslo. With Institute for Colour
2010 Siste produksjon, Schweigaardsgt 33, Oslo
2009 Labyrint 09 - Writings and Observations, Botkyrka Konsthall, Tumba, Sweden
2009 Artist book exhibition, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2009 Wherever Water Flows, public art project in Groruddalen, Oslo. With Ebba Moi
2009 Fjord City Summer Camp, Common Lands, public art project in Bjørvika, Oslo. With Institute for Colour, curated by Åse Løvgren and Karolin Tampere
2008 MasterMinds, GAD, Oslo. Curated by Anne Szefer Karlsen
2008 Rykk tilbake til start!, 0047, Oslo. Curated by Jan Christensen and Marianne Zamecznik
2006 Transatlanticism, Podium, Oslo
2005 Never Odd or Even, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo
2005 Einbahnstrasse, Galleri neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Commissioned projects
UPCOMING: Rotasjoner, Stavanger University Hospital, 2024
Ballast, Brevik oppvekstsenter, 2018
Byen i rådhuset, Førde Rådhus, 2012-14
Ingrid Lønningdal — 10, edited by Anne Szefer Karlsen, Teknisk Industri AS, 2019
Borgen. Et sted for kulturproduksjon / A Place for Culture Production, Teknisk Industri AS, 2015
The Bjørvika Structure in the Studio, Common Lands: Publication #2, editors: Haugen, Løvgren and Tampere, 2010
Oslo - New York, artist book, Permafrost-Press, 2008
Various texts in Billedkunst, 2007-10
Public collections
Drammen sykehus, 2023
Norsk Formues samling, 2023
Drammens Museum, 2021
The Art Collection of Kristiansand Municipality, 2020
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2019
The Norwegian Parliament, 2019
Fylkesnemda for barnevern og sosiale saker i Buskerud og Vestfold, Drammen (KORO), 2018
Kunst på arbeidsplassen, 2018
The Art Collection of Oslo Municipality, 2017, 2019
The Art Collection of Trondheim Municipality, 2017
Sogn og Fjordane Museum of Fine Art, 2011
Statens arbeidsstipend, working grant, 2016
Statens arbeidsstipend, working grant for young artists, 2014-15, 2013
Winner of Sparebankstiftelsen DNBs grant exhibition, 2014
Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, working grant, 2018-20, 2017, 2012, 2011, 2010
Oslo kommune, stipend til kunstnere i etableringsfasen, 2011
Bibliography (selection)
Chloe Stead, Structural Change, BE Magazin #27
Frida Forsgren, Skrikende satire og lavmælte observasjoner, Fædrelandsvennen, 20.06.2020
Kåre Bulie, Når arkitektur blir til kunst, Klassekampen, 04.09.2019
Espen Hauglid, Næringslivet i farger, Morgenbladet, 23.08.2019
Erik Jacobsen, Hovinbyen, NRK P2, Studio 2, 23.08.2019
Marie Saxeide, Lønningdal og Værslev viser hvordan farger egentlig skal brukes, Subjekt, 21.08.2019
Pernille Skar Nordby, Bud for byen, 2018
Marius Moldvær, Ei bru inn i atelieret og andre arkitektoniske hendingar, Kunstforum 01/2018
Gustav S. Borgersen, Fra industriarkitektur til industrikunst, Adresseavisen, 27.08.2017
Gustav S. Borgersen, De enkelte bestanddeler, Artscene Trondheim, 23.08.2017
Märit Aronsson, Variasjoner over jutestrie, Artscene Trondheim, 14.08.2017
Michael Birchal and Geir Haraldseth (ed), Collective Good Collaborative Effort, Rogaland Kunstsenter, 2017
Emil Flatø, Kunstpolitikk på etterskudd, Morgenbladet Kunstkritikk, #2 2016
Kåre Bulie, Et eget rom, Dagens Næringsliv D2, 12.02.2016
Gaute Brochmann, Ikkje så fast ein borg, Arkitektur N, #2 2016
Hege Larsen, Borgen som ikke passet inn, Khrono, 24.12.2015
Arve Rød, Kunst-toppen 2015, Dagbladet, 21.12.2015
Lars Elton, Kunst- og kapitalårets beste kunstbøker, Dagsavisen, 21.12.2015
Tore Shetelig, Kunstbase i ny bok, Drammens Tidende, 18.12.2015
Morten S. Smedsrud, Mener kunsten må lages i byen, Klassekampen, 16.12.2015
Sara R. Yazdani, Critics picks: Art Belongs to Those Who See It, Artforum, November 2015
Oda Bhar, Frihet i tre dimensjoner, Morgenbladet, 27.11.2015
Simen Joachim Helsvig, I skyggen av skjermen, Kunstkritikk, 14.10.2015
Eirik Høyer Leivestad, Perler uten snor, Billedkunst no 6, 2015
Line Ulekleiv, Vellykket engergikobling, Klassekampen, 14.10.2015
Lars Elton, Fadermord eller naturlig utvikling?, Dagsavisen, 13.10.2015
Emil Finnerud, Kunstfestivalen Oslo Open er viktig for norske kunstnere, men synes norske kunstnere Oslo Open er viktig for dem?, Natt&Dag, 16.04.2014
Galleriårbok 2013, Nordnorsk kunstnersenter, 2013
Sigurd Løseth, Byen på veg inn i rådhuset, Firda, 24.06.2013
Hugo Johansen, Arkitekturens verden, Lofotposten, 22.03.2013
Eivind Biering-Strand, Grunnleggende geometri, Våganavisa, 20.03.2013
Line Harr Skagestad, Brobygger mellom kunst og arkitektur, page 6-9, Numer #90, 2011
Per Kristian Grimeland, interview, NRK Sogn og Fjordane, 10.02.2011
Tone Merete Lillesvangstu, Nytt blikk på Førde-bygg, Firda, 10.02.2011
Geir Haraldseth, Byutviklingsforvikling, Kunstkritikk.no, 07.05.2010
Anne Szefer Karlsen (red), Retrospective catalogue 2010, page 17 and 137-138, Hordaland kunstsenter, 2010
Mariann Enge, Svett klem fra rik onkel?, Kunstkritikk.no, 05.02.2010
Truls Ramberg, Tegnekunstens dilemma, Aftenposten 11.06.2007
One year artist residency at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 2019-20
Assistant professor, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, 2011-2019
Part of the artist group Institute for Colour 2005-14
Stockholder Kunstnerforbundet, 2016-
Member of the editorial group of Billedkunst, 2009-13